Monday, March 28, 2011


UGH!! lately I've started to hate talking about decisions or making em...! Last year my dad said I can do my STPM ...and I insisted saying that I will NEVER do Form 6. Then , this year I said I wanna do A- Levels at MCKL. REJECTED... okay fine. I had comply with the decision because my dad could not afford it...then he said that I could go to UTAR in PJ to do foundational studies and then pursue my degree studies in Kampar..I was fine with that, especially since I could still meet up with my JS friends...(which is the other MAJOR reason why I wanted to go to MCKL in the first place--they're my family!! seriously..) 

Now, after getting my results, the STPM thing is making a comeback....and I HATE it! it so hard to understand?? I don't wanna go to school again. I know I didn't do a good job in my SPM..but at least I got an A for English(which is what you want me to study, right dad??) ,so whats the big deal??

I know that you only want the best for me but sometimes it ain't wrong to pursue one's dreams...and mine is to become a journalist..and I can't! Put that aside, my dad suggested that I become an English lecturer..(although its not as adventurous or exciting as journaling) I said okay (because its WAAAY better than becoming a *ahem* teacher-ugh!)  
I'll still be a journalist<part-time or something--one way or the other somehow!> reason for my whinning is that I don't want to go back to school. I just have to have faith and PRAY relentlessly. HE(my God) will definitely make a way for me, finance wise and help be at my BEST in college..

Now, my question is how do I convince my dad that STPM is no good for <lazy> people like me and that I'll excel beyond his expectation at college?? suggestions people??
I definitely need your prayers people...><please..

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